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Dr. G. BRINDHAPh. D. & M.B.A.
1. Human Resource Management, Charulatha Publications
2. Principles of Management, Discovery book publications
3. Lean Management, Lambert Academic publications in Germany
1. Dr.Brindha, G.Gopalakrishnan, G. A study on employee welfare in construction industry International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 2017, 8(10), pp. 7-12 http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJCIET_08_10_002/IJCIET_08_10_002.pdf
2. Begum, A.N. Brindha, G. Challenges and strategies for retaining women talent in it industry: Managerial strategies for reducing women voluntary turnover in the workplace, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology.2017 8(10), pp.13-17 http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJCIET_08_10_003/IJCIET_08_10_003.pdf
3. Gopalakrishnan, G. Brindha, G. A study on maternity benefit and its effectiveness in construction industry, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. 2017 8(10), pp. 130-136 http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJCIET_08_10_014/IJCIET_08_10_014.pdf
4. Raj, S.R. Brindha, G Resources for creating employee retention strategies in it industry. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology.2017 8(6), pp. 31-37. http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJCIET_08_06_004/IJCIET_08_06_004.pdf
5. Gopalakrishnan,G, Brindha.G. A study on recognition of trade union and its necessity, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 2017. 8(6), pp. 67-74. http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJCIET_08_06_008/IJCIET_08_06_ 008.pdf
6. Raj, S.R. Brindha, G, A study on employee retention strategies with special reference to Chennai it industry. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 2017, 8(6), pp. 38-44. http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJCIET_08_06_005/IJCIET_08_06_005.pdf
7. Brindha, G. Gopalakrishnan, G. A study on collective bargaining and its dependence on trade union recognition, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 2017, 8(8), pp. 1-8. http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJMET_08_08_001/IJMET_08_08_001.pdf
8. Karthik, A. Brindha, G. Theoretical, methodological, experimental and knowledge techniques: Analysis and review through e learning and online examination in healthcare industry, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology,2017, 8(6), pp. 528-533. http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJCIET_08_06_058/IJCIET_08_06_058.pdf
9. Dr.G.Brindha- Current Role of Human Resources in Health Sector, Published in Middle- East Journal of Scientific Research 12 (12): 1649-1656, 2012 ISSN 1990-9233. https://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr12(12)12/12.pdf
10. Ms.Nivethita,Dr.G.Brindha - Virudhunagar District Central Co-Operative Bank- An Overview, Published in Middle- East Journal of Scientific Research 12 (12): 1649-1656, 2012 ISSN 1990-9233. https://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr12(12)12/14.pdf
11. Dr.G.Brindha - Employee Empowerment at Organization, Published in Middle- East Journal of Scientific Research 12 (12): 1649-1656, 2012 ISSN 1990-9233.
12. Dr.G.Brindha- A New Approach for Changes in Health Care, Published in Middle- East Journal of Scientific Research 12 (12): 1649-1656, 2012 ISSN 1990-9233, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/127d/6cb59e459730d68427a692247fd798719c5a.pdf
13. Dr.G.Brindha Emerging Trends and Issues in Human Resource Management, Published in Middle- East Journal of Scientific Research 12 (12): 1649-1656, 2012 ISSN 1990-9233
14. Dr.G.Brindha Revamp of Educational System-Promoting Entrepreneurship in India, Middle- East Journal of Scientific Research 12 (12): 1649-1656, 2012 ISSN 1990-9233
15. Ms. K. Padmini, Dr. D. Venkatramaraju, Dr. G. Brindha – Quality Work Life-Health Care Professions, Published in International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, Volume 3, Issue 10,ISSN:2226-8235.(58-66) IF: 3.2 (2014.) http://www.ijmsbr.com/Volume%203%20Issue%2010%20Paper%208.pdf
16. Ms.K.Padmini, Dr.D.Venkatramaraju, Dr.G.Brindha –A Study on Quality of Women Employees in Medical Transcription, Published in International Journal of Science and Research,Volume3,Issue11,ISSN:2319-7064(596-599) IF:3.358 (Nov 2014). https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v3i11/T0NUMTQ5ODM=.pdf
17. Dr.G.Brindha Emerging Trends of Telemedicine in India, Published in Indian Society of Science and Technology, Volume 6 (5S) ISSN: 0974-5645 (May 2013) http://www.indjst.org/index.php/indjst/article/view/33357/27575
18. Dr. G. Brindha, An analysis of skewed pattern of geographic penetration of microfinance with reference to correlation between GDP and microfinance penetration index In International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/an-analysis-of-skewed-pattern-of-geographic-penetration-of-microfinance-with-reference-to-correlation-between-gdp-and-microfinance-penetration-index.pdf
19. Brindha, G. Peter, M., Ramamoorthy, R.Human resource management in small and tiny industries, An Indian prospective International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,2017 116(18 Special Issue), pp. 245- 248.
20. Nirmalraj, D. Brindha, G. 3 P S approach of performance evaluation, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 8(4), 2016 pp. 23539-23543 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/performance-evaluation-on-mutual-funds.pdf
21. Nivethitha, J. Brindha, G. A study on work- life balance among employees in IT sector, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 8(4), pp. 23453-23458
22. Mohanakrishnan, J.Brindha, G.Training needs and identification, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016 8(4), pp. 23508-23511.
23. Gunaraja, T.M., Brindha, G Venkatramaraju, D.Organizational climate-pharmaceutical professional. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2015, 7(2), pp. 8924-8929 https://www.ijptonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/8924-8929.pdf
24. Brindha, G. Krishnakumar, T. Vijayalatha, S,Emerging trends in tele-medicine in rural healthcare, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2015, 7(2), pp. 8986-8991. https://www.ijptonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/8986-8991.pdf
25. Padmini, K. Venkatramaraju, D. Brindha, G. Work organization and work-life balance in the it sector with special reference to Chennai city, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology,2016, 8(4), pp. 23544-23551
26. Karthik, A. Brindha, G. Green revolution conversion of offline education to online education, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology,2016, 8(3), pp. 15393-15407 http://www.ijptonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/15393-15407.pdf
27. Vijayalatha, S. Brindha,G. Krishnakumar, T, A study on employee retention among its industry with special reference to Chennai city, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2015, 7(2), pp. 9028-9040
28. Nivethitha, J. Brindha, G, Management of Non-Performing Assets in Virudhunagar District Central Co-Operative Bank-An Overview Middle - East Journal of Scientific Research 2014, 20(7), pp. 851-855.
29. Balaji, G. Kanniga, E. Brindha, G., GSM based analysis of network using mobile communications, Middle - East Journal of Scientific Research,2014, 20(3), pp. 369-376.
1. Dr.G.Brindha,”A Study on the Effects of yoga and meditation on the physical and mental health management of urbanites with reference to city corporations in Tamil Nadu” International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Impact Factor (2013): 4.438.
2. Dr.G.Brindha, Overview of bonus(amendment)act,2015in International journal of science and research(IJSR),ISSN NO:2319-7064,Volume No:5,Issue No:2,IF:5.611
3. Dr.G.Brindha The rise and fall of Anglo French textile mills, Pondicherry in the International journal of trade and global business perspectives, ISSN NO:2319-9067,Volume No:5,Issue No:1,IF:6.533
4. Dr.G.Brindha, A study of the attitude of customers and agents towards the proposed increase of FDI in the insurance sector in Chennai metropolis in International Journal of Research Granthaalayah ISSN NO:2394-3629, Volume no: 4, issue no:2, IF:2.035
5. K.A.VenkataGanesan, Dr.G.Brindha, An overview of career satisfaction factors in banking industry in the International journal of Management, ISSN NO:0976-6502, Volume no: 6, issue no:7
6. Dr.G.Brindha, A study on latest management governance techniques in Indian companies, In International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology,ISSNNO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/a-study-on-latest-management-governancetechniques-in-indian-companies.pdf
7. Dr.G.Brindha, A study on the quality of work life of the employees at Baxter (India) Pvt. Ltd., Alathur, In International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/a-study-on-quality-of-work-life-of-the-employees-at-baxter-india-private-ltd-alathur.pdf
8. Dr.G.Brindha, An analytical study of the proposed voluntary retirement scheme in Bharats Ancharnigam Limited, In International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/an-analytical-study-of-the-proposed- voluntaryretirement-scheme-in-bharat-sanchar-nigam-limited.pdf
9. Dr.G.Brindha, Beyond the jungle-strategic information systems theory in low competitive contextsIn International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/beyond-the-jungle-strategic-informationsystems-theory-in-low-competitive-contexts.pdf
10. Dr.G.Brindha, Mergers and acquisitions, International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1
11. Dr.G.Brindha, A study on portfolio management In International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/article-on-portfolio-management.pdf
12. Dr.G.Brindha, Building competitive advantage through links with science, In International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/building-competitive-advantage-through-linkswith-science.pdf
13. Dr.G.Brindha, Inventory management, In International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/inventory-management.pdf
14. Dr.G.Brindha, Performance evaluation on mutual funds, International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, http://www.rroij.com/open-access/performance-evaluation-on-mutual-funds.pdf
15. Dr.G.Brindha, Global financial crisis and in Indian scenario, International Journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology, ISSN NO:2319-8753, Volume no: 2, issue no:1 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/global-financial-crisis-and-in-indian-scenario.pdf
16. Dr.G.Brindha, A study on the impact of poverty on hygiene and sanitary issues among the rural women in Tamilnadu with special reference to most backward, scheduled caste/scheduled tribes’ communities. In International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438. https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v4i7/SUB156566.pdf
17. Dr.G.Brindha Comparative analysis on Indian and Germany education system in the modern era in international journal of applied services marketing perspectives; ISSN: 2279-0977 (print) ISSN: 2279-0985 (online); IF-2014: 5.871(March – May2015). http://pezzottaitejournals.net/pezzottaite/images/ISSUES/V4N3/IJASMPV4N304.pdf
18. S.Vijayalatha, Dr.G.Brindha A study on employee retention among IT employees with special reference to Chennai city in International journal of information technology and computer science perspectives. ISSN: 2319-9016 IF: 5.058 (Jan- march 2015). http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/UploadFolder/IJCIET_08_06_005/IJCIET_08_06_005.pdf
19. S.Vijayalatha, Dr.G.Brindha Retention management: A strategic dimension of Indian IT companies in International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering, Volume 4, issue 11 ISSN 2249-9482 IF:4.433 (Nov 2014).
20. S.Vijayalatha, Dr.G.Brindha The new face of organised cyber crime on retail management and DNA authentication system in International Journal of research in management, economics and commerce Volume 4 Issue 10 ISSN 2250-057X IF: 4.604 (April 2014).
21. S.Vijayalatha, Dr.G.Brindha- A study on employee absenteeism, International Journal of advance and innovative research, volume 1; Issue 1 ISSN 2322 – 0899, IF: 1.142. http://iaraedu.com/ijair/p5.pdf
22. Dr.G.Brindha, Inventory Management, Published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2319-8753,Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2014 IF : 1.682 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/inventory-management.pdf
23. Dr.G.Brindha, Performance Evaluation on Mutual Funds Published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2319-8753,Vol. 3, Issue 6, (June 2014) IF : 1.682 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/performance-evaluation-on-mutual-funds.pdf
24. Dr.G.Brindha, Dr.M.Ganesan-Global Financial Crisis and in Indian Scenario, Published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2319-8753,Vol. 3, Issue 1, (January 2014) IF : 1.682 http://www.rroij.com/open-access/global-financial-crisis-and-in-indian-scenario.pdf
25. Dr.G.Brindha, Kanchan Kishore, New approach on marketing strategy in health care sector, Published in Asian Journal of Research Volume 2,Issue 3,(June 2013) ISSN2277-6621.
26. Dr.G.Brindha, Kanchan Kishore -Bio Medical Waste Management, Published in International journal of health sciences and research, Volume 3,Issue 8.ISSN2249-9571(August,2013)IF:3.5 http://www.ijhsr.org/IJHSR_Vol.3_Issue.8_Aug2013/11.pdf
27. Dr.G.Brindha, Organizational factors and employee intention to leave in IT Company – An empirical study, published in Asian Journal of Research in Social Science & Humanities, ISSN2249-7315. Volume 3, Issue 1 (January, 2013) http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ajrssh&volume=3&issue=1&article=021
28. Dr.G.Brindha Retention of Employees, published in Radix International Journal of Economics & Business Management, Volume 1, Issue 12.ISSN 2277-1018. (December 2012) IF: 1.6
29. Dr.G.Brindha Growth and Challenges in Hospitality Sector -India Published in Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, Volume 1, Issue 3 ISSN : 2320 – 5083(April 2013)
30. Dr.G.Brindha Empowering SME to Innovate Published in Radix International Journal of Research in Marketing, Volume 2, Issue 2 ISSN 2250-3986. (February 2013)
31. Dr.G.Brindha Analysis of Managing Change in workplace, Published in Asian Journal of Research in Business & Economics Management, Volume 3, Issue 3. ISSN 2249-7307. (March, 2013) IF: 4.15
32. Dr.G.Brindha -Innovation and Indian Tourism, Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, Volume 1, Issue 3 ISSN : 2320 – 5083(April 2013).
33. Mrs.G.Brindha, Dr.S.Vadivelu -Enhancing Interpersonal Relationship- A best HR practices, Published in Nehru Journal of Management and Research, ISSN 2230-7974. (2011) IF: 0.2
34. Mrs.G.Brindha, Dr.S.Vadivelu -The ethical aspects of fairness products advertising, published in Nehru Journal of Management and Research, ISSN 2230-7974.(2011.) IF: 0.2