Ph. D., M. Phil. & M. Com.
Faculty of Commerce
Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh - 202 001, INDIA
Email: dr.nawabalikhan1@gmail.com
Official Email (s): infoijrcm@gmail.com; info@ijrcm.org.in
Ex-Dean, Faculty of Commerce
Ex-Member: Executive Council, University Court (Governing Body), Academic Council, Finance Committee and Chairman, Faculty Committee
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (INDIA) &
Ex- Coordinator, Human Resource Management Program and Full Professor Department of Human Resource Management
College of Business Administration
Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al Kharj (KSA)
Books Published:
1. Labour Relations in Globalised Indian Economy, Educational Publishers, Aligarh, 2006.
2. Emerging Labour Relations in Sugar Industry of Uttar Pradesh, VDM Publishing House, Germany, ISBN-10: 3639309170 and ISBN-13: 978-3639309171, 2010.
3. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting: Theory and Practice, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN: 81-8052-229-6, New Delhi, 2009 (First Edition), 2010 (Second Edition) and Third Edition in 2011.
4. Accounting and Financial Analysis, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-8061-829-6, 2010.
5. Fundamentals of Corporate Accounting: Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, ISBN: 9380618401, 2010 and Second Edition in 2011.
Research Papers Published:
1. Human Resource Development Practices in Telecom Sector in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Presentation, World Applied Sciences Journal 28 (11): 2013, pp.1567-1578, ISSN:1818-4952, © IDOSI Publications, ISI and Scopus indexed with impact factor 0.234, http://www.idosi.org/wasj/wasj28%2811%292013.htm
2. An Empirical Investigation into Human Resource Development Practices in Public Telecom Organisations in Saudi Arabia, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7(18) May 2014, pp. 3888-3993, Print ISSN: 2040-7459, Online, ISSN: 2040-7467, ISI and Scopus indexed with impact factor 0.15, http://www.maxwellsci.com/jp/j2p.php?jid=RJASET
3. A Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction of Employees in Public and Private Sector Banks in India with Reference to U.P. State, Science International, Science International (Lahore),26(2),2014, pp. 813-820, ISSN: 1013-5316, ISI Indexed, http://www.sci-int.com/search.php
4. Community Environment- A Study on Environmental Issues in Al Kharj, Science International, Science International (Lahore), March April 2015, pp. 1339-1349, ISSN:1013-5316, ISI Indexed, http://www.sci-int.com/search.php
5. Financing for SMEs in the K.S.A. : A Critical Evaluation of their Justification to and fulfilment of the Purpose, International Journal of Economic Research, ISSN: 0972-9380, Scopus Indexed, Vol.13, No.1, 2016, pp. 413-433, http://serialsjournals.com/serialjournalmanager/pdf/1463726706.pdf
6. Organizational Role Stress: An Empirical Perspective of University Teachers of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, ISSN: 0972-7302, Vol.14, No.3, 2016, Scopus Indexed, http://serialsjournals.com/serialjournalmanager/pdf/1465192484.pdf
7. Unfair HRM Practices in the Telecom Sector in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Investigation of Selected Public and Private Sector Companies, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, ISSN: 0972-7302, Scopus Indexed, Vol.14, No.4, 2016, pp. 6377- 6399, http://serialsjournals.com/serialjournalmanager
8. Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Ltd. - A Review, Journal of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1986, pp. 51-53.
9. Performance of Small Scale Sector in India, Udyog Yug, Directorate of Industries, Haryana, March 1988, pp. 23-27.
10. Recreation for Harmonious Industrial Relations, Journal of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1988, pp. 8-9.
11. Industrial Disputes by Causes, Business Studies, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 1988-89, pp. 49-55.
12. Development of Small Scale Sector in India, Yojana, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, New Delhi, Oct.1989, pp. 11-13.
13. Foreign Investment in India, Udyog Yug, Directorate of Industries, Haryana, December 1989, pp. 11-14.
14. Genesis of Industrial Sickness in Textiles, Business Studies, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 1989, pp. 59-65.
15. Indian Handicrafts, The Journal of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1989, pp. 28-30.
16. Performance and Progress of Regional Rural Banks in India, Co-operators Bulletin, Jammu, September 1989, pp. 11-13.
17. Employment Exchanges in India – A Review, Journal of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1989, pp. 28-30.
18. Industrial Relations in Small Scale Sector, Money Matters, New Delhi, January, 1989, pp.28-30.
19. Performance and Progress of Raza Textiles Ltd., Journal of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1990, pp.1-6.
20. Commercial Banking in Indian Perspective, Indian Banking Today and Tomorrow, New Delhi, April 1990, pp.1-7.
21. Sickness in Small Scale Units – A Cancerous Problem, Udyog Yug, Directorate of Industries, Haryana, May 1991, pp. 7-11.
22. Adoption of Modern Marketing Techniques for Small Scale Sector, Udyog Yug, Directorate of Industries, Haryana, June 1991, pp. 12-14.
23. Management of Power Sector in India - Issues and Strategies, published in Book titled,’ Energy Management’ edited by A. F. Khan, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 81-261-0196-2, New Delhi, 1999, pp. 57-68.
24. Financial Statements – Analysis and Interpretation, published in Book titled,’ Corporate External Reporting – Policies and Practices’ edited by P. Mohana Rao, Deep and Deep Publications, ISBN: 81-72629-203-6, New Delhi, 2000, pp.313-325.
25. Impact of Economic Reforms on Labour Relations in Globalised Indian Economy, Souvenir, 54th All India Commerce Conference held at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on December 22-24, 2001.
26. Labour Relations and Post Reforms in Indian Economy, published in Book titled,’ Financial System and Economic Reforms’ edited by P. Mohana Rao, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 81-7629-386-5, New Delhi, 2002, pp. 308-313.
27. Performance and Prospects of Foreign Direct Investment in India, Journal of The Institute of Asian Studies, Chennai September 2004, Vol. XXII, No.1, pp115-134.
28. Human Resource Development Strategies in Tourism Sector in India Him-Tourism, Bi-annual Referred Research Journal of Himachal Pradesh University, HPENG: 00179/08/1/2003, Shimla, 2004, pp.69-72.
29. World Trade Organisation and the Developing Nations, published in Book titled,’ Developmental Agenda of the Third World Countries under the WTO Regime’ edited by Stephen Analil, Serial Publications, ISBN: 81-86771-70-0, Delhi, 2005, pp. 1-11.
30. Ecotourism Resources in India: An Integrated Development Approach Edited Book, Kerala Institute of Travels and Tourism Studies (KITTS), Kerala, 2006, pp.
31. Development of Ecotourism Resources in India, Punjab Journal of Business Studies, ISSN: 0973-4465, April-September 2006, pp.77-85.
32. Emerging Issues of Tourism Industry in India under Globalised Era, The Green Portal: Tourism Journal of Kerala Institute of Travel and Tourism Studies (KITTS), (Bi-annual Referred Research Journal), Trivandrum, Vol. 4, No 2, 2008, pp. 43-53.
33. Resource Mobilisation through Mutual Funds in India,’ Contemporary Issues in Finance’ , Edited by S. K. Deene, Excel Books Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 978-81-7466-725-6, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 311- 322.
34. Quality of Commerce Education in Indian Universities: An Empirical Presentation, Global Journal of Business Management (Bi-annual Referred Research Journal), ISSN: 0973-8533, Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi, Vol.3, No.1, June 2009, pp.1-12, http://globalvisionpub.com/journal-detail-issues.php?volumesno_id=29&journals_id=1&volumes_id=16
35. Ethics and Values vis -a vis Globalisation, Proficient, An International Journal of Management, ISSN: 0975-475X, Vol. 1, October 2009, pp. 1-8, http://www.jppl.org/print_journal.php
36. Foreign Direct Investment in India- Potentials and Prospects, published in Book titled,’ Globalisation and Economic Development’ Part III, edited by Rais Ahmad, Mittal Publications Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 81-8324-315-0, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 1065-84.
37. Labour Relations Practices in Sugar Industry of Uttar Pradesh (INDIA), Prabandhan- Indian Journal of Management, (Bi-monthly Referred Research Journal), ISSN: 0975-2854, New Delhi, Vol. III, No. 1, January 2010, pp.34-44, http://www.indianjournalofmanagement.com/archives/2010/jan2010.html
38. Global Convergence of Financial Reporting - Journal of Arts Science and Commerce, ISSN: 2229-4686, International Refereed Research Journal, Vol.-I, Issue-1,October2010,pp.40-45, http://www.researchersworld.com/vol1/Paper_4.pdf
39. Corporate Social Responsibility - The Need of the Hour, published in Book titled,’ Corporatization and Corporate Social Responsibility’ edited by Dipak Das and Sanjay K. Singh, SBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, ISBN: 13: 9789380090177, 2011, pp. 3-16.
40. Organisational Conflict in Telecom Sector in India, M. M. University Journal of Management Practices, ISSN 0974–7257, A Bi-Annual Refereed Journal of Management, Vol. No. 5, Issue No. 1, June, 2011, pp.15-30.
41. An Empirical Presentation of HRD Climate and Employee Development in Telecommunication Industry: A Case Study of Indian Private Sector, International Journal of Trade and Commerce, ISSN: 2277-5811, Refereed Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Indian Institute of Advance Research in Trade and Commerce, Vol. 1, No.1, January-June 2012, pp. 6-17, http://www.sgsrjournals.com/search.php#
42. Are Salary and Promotion, Predictors of Job Satisfaction? A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks in India, The Journal of Global Commerce Research, ISSN: 1946- 7958, School of Management, Regis University, Colorado, USA, Vol. 3, No.5, Spring 2012, pp. 37-47, http://journalofglobalcommerceresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/2012Journal-GCR.pdf
43. HRD Climate in Indian Telecom Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector, Pranjana- The Journal of Management Awareness, ISSN: 0971-9997 and eISSN: 0974-0945, INMANTEC Institutions, Vol. 15/No.2/ July- Dec. 2012, pp.1-11, http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:pr&volume=15&issue=2&article=002
44. An Empirical Presentation of Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty in Indian Telecom Industry, Banijya, the Research Journal of the Department of Commerce, Assam University, Silchar, ISSN:09750, Vol. 6, No.1, July 2013, pp. 14-20.
45. Impact of Human Resource Practices on Employees’ Performance in Private Sector Telecom Organisations: An Exploratory Study of Saudi Arabia, European Scientific Journal, January 2014, pp. 341-355,Vol.10, No 1, ISSN: 1857–7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857-7431, University of the Azores, Portugal, ESJ’ s Index Copernicus Impact Factor, ICV, 2011=5.09 http://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/article/download/2566/2427
46. Measuring Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Indian Banking Industry, Management Guru: Journal of Management Research, Vol. 2,Issue 4, May-July 2014, http://mngtguru.com
47. HRD Climate in Telecommunication Industry: A Public Sector Perspective, Elixir: International Journal, ISSN: 2229-712X, Elixir (Human Resource Management Section), 2014, pp. 24007-24008, http://www.elixirpublishers.com/index.php?route=product/search&filter_name=HRD&filter_type=Anywhere
48. Financial Analysis of Indian Railways: A Review, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Volume No. 6, 2015, Issue No. 04, April, pp. 16-21, ISSN: 0976-2183, http://ijrcm.org.in/article_info.php?article_id=5382
49. The Impact of Environmental Pollution on Local Community in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Presentation, published in the proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Green Asia and Sustainability Forum: Inclusive Sustainable Development, organised by Eastern Asia University, Thailand on June 17th 2016, pp. 106-119.
50. Financial Constraints in the Development of SMEs in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – An Empirical Evaluation, published in edited Book titled, Financial Inclusion in the Pursuit of Poverty Reduction and Growth’ from Department of Commerce, Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya, Midnapore (WB), 2016, pp. 22-36.
51. Faculty Members’ usage of Social Media and Mobile Devices in Higher Education Institutions, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) - A UGC approved Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1(I), Jan-March 2019, pp. 17-27.